Routine Stains

Figure 1: Photomicrographs of healed skin of C rats (A,C,E,G) and EF rats (B,D,F,H) stained with H&E. The healed skin in both cases showed intact epithelium in control rats (A,C black arrows) and EF rat (B,D black arrows) but the dermis devoid hair follicles, sebaceous glands and muscles (A,B stars). In intact skin areas, hair follicles (A,B arrows heads) were clear. Subepithelial newly formed blood vessels were clear in EF rats (D,F,H stars) but not in control rats (C,E,G). Stratum corneum in EF rats represented by living cells (H, yellow arrows) while that of control rats were dead cornified cells (G arrows). In EF rats, stratum spinosum showed many dividing cells (H, arrow heads). Mag.: (A,B X40-C,D X100 – E,FX200 – G,H X400). Stain: H&E. Bars: 50µm.

Hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E):

